5th International Workshop on

Quantum Compilation

22-23 July 2023

Paris, France


Saturday 22 July 2023: Invited Talk

David Ittah (Xanadu)
Catalyst: An AOT/JIT compiler for accelerated quantum computing in Python

Software development packages for quantum computing have significantly evolved in recent years, having matured from early prototypes to tools and products for research, development, and education. Yet, many are still limited by early designs for constructing and representing quantum programs, which struggle to provide performance for large-scale applications and hybrid quantum-classical compute workflows.

Catalyst is a new just-in-time (JIT) and ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler for accelerated quantum computing in Python. It introduces a unified intermediate representation (IR) for hybrid programs based on the MLIR compiler framework; a frontend that enables the capture of hybrid compute graphs from Python, with integration into the PennyLane SDK and the Python machine learning ecosystem; and a runtime library for hybrid workflow execution on heterogeneous computing resources. A key focus is the support for advanced quantum programming paradigms, such as real-time measurement feedback, (unbounded) control flow, and quantum differentiable programming with simulator- and hardware-compatible automatic differentiation (AD).

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